.. _settings: Settings ======== ``FILER_ENABLE_PERMISSIONS`` ---------------------------- Activate the or not the Permission check on the files and folders before displaying them in the admin. When set to ``False`` it gives all the authorization to staff members based on standard Django model permissions. Defaults to ``False`` ``FILER_IS_PUBLIC_DEFAULT`` --------------------------- Should newly uploaded files have permission checking disabled (be public) by default. Defaults to ``True`` (new files have permission checking disable, are public) .. _FILER_STORAGES: ``FILER_STORAGES`` ------------------ A dictionary to configure storage backends used for file storage. e.g:: FILER_STORAGES = { 'public': { 'main': { 'ENGINE': 'filer.storage.PublicFileSystemStorage', 'OPTIONS': { 'location': '/path/to/media/filer', 'base_url': '/media/filer/', }, 'UPLOAD_TO': 'filer.utils.generate_filename.randomized', 'UPLOAD_TO_PREFIX': 'filer_public', }, 'thumbnails': { 'ENGINE': 'filer.storage.PublicFileSystemStorage', 'OPTIONS': { 'location': '/path/to/media/filer_thumbnails', 'base_url': '/media/filer_thumbnails/', }, }, }, 'private': { 'main': { 'ENGINE': 'filer.storage.PrivateFileSystemStorage', 'OPTIONS': { 'location': '/path/to/smedia/filer', 'base_url': '/smedia/filer/', }, 'UPLOAD_TO': 'filer.utils.generate_filename.randomized', 'UPLOAD_TO_PREFIX': 'filer_public', }, 'thumbnails': { 'ENGINE': 'filer.storage.PrivateFileSystemStorage', 'OPTIONS': { 'location': '/path/to/smedia/filer_thumbnails', 'base_url': '/smedia/filer_thumbnails/', }, }, }, } Defaults to FileSystemStorage in ``/filer_public/`` and ``/filer_public_thumbnails/`` for public files and ``/../smedia/filer_private/`` and ``/../smedia/filer_private_thumbnails/`` for private files. Public storage uses the default storage's backend. This is taken from Django's ``STORAGES`` setting if it exists or, if not, from the ``DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE`` setting for compatibility with earlier Django versions (5.0 or below). ``UPLOAD_TO`` is the function to generate the path relative to the storage root. The default generates a random path like ``1d/a5/1da50fee-5003-46a1-a191-b547125053a8/filename.jpg``. This will be applied whenever a file is uploaded or moved between public (without permission checks) and private (with permission checks) storages. Defaults to ``'filer.utils.generate_filename.randomized'``. Overriding single keys is possible, for example just set your custom ``UPLOAD_TO``:: FILER_STORAGES = { 'public': { 'main': { 'UPLOAD_TO': 'my_package.generate_filer_filename.no_dirs', }, }, # same for private, or not } ``FILER_SERVERS`` ----------------- .. warning:: Server Backends are experimental and the API may change at any time. A dictionary to configure server backends to serve files with permissions. e.g:: DEFAULT_FILER_SERVERS = { 'private': { 'main': { 'ENGINE': 'filer.server.backends.default.DefaultServer', }, 'thumbnails': { 'ENGINE': 'filer.server.backends.default.DefaultServer', } } } Defaults to using the DefaultServer (doh)! This will serve the files with the django app. ``FILER_PAGINATE_BY`` --------------------- The number of items (Folders, Files) that should be displayed per page in admin. Defaults to ``100`` ``FILER_SUBJECT_LOCATION_IMAGE_DEBUG`` -------------------------------------- Draws a red circle around to point in the image that was used to do the subject location aware image cropping. Defaults to ``False`` ``FILER_ALLOW_REGULAR_USERS_TO_ADD_ROOT_FOLDERS`` ------------------------------------------------- Regular users are not allowed to create new folders at the root level, only subfolders of already existing folders, unless this setting is set to ``True``. Defaults to ``False`` ``FILER_IMAGE_MODEL`` --------------------- Defines the dotted path to a custom Image model; please include the model name. Example: 'my.app.models.CustomImage' Defaults to ``False`` ``FILER_CANONICAL_URL`` ----------------------- Defines the path element common to all canonical file URLs. Defaults to ``'canonical/'`` ``FILER_UPLOADER_MAX_FILES`` ---------------------------- Limit of files to upload by one drag and drop event. This is to avoid extensive accidental uploads, e.g. by dragging to root direcory onto an upload field. Defaults to ``100``. ``FILER_UPLOADER_CONNECTIONS`` ------------------------------ Number of simultaneous AJAX uploads. Defaults to 3. If your database backend is SQLite it would be set to 1 by default. This allows to avoid ``database is locked`` errors on SQLite during multiple simultaneous file uploads. ``FILER_UPLOADER_MAX_FILE_SIZE`` -------------------------------- Limits the maximal file size if set. Takes an integer (file size in MB). Defaults to ``None``. ``FILER_MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS`` -------------------------------- Limits the maximal pixel size of the image that can be uploaded to the Filer. It will also be lower than or equals to the MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS that Pillow's PIL allows. ``MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = int(1024 * 1024 * 1024 // 4 // 3)`` Defaults to ``MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS``. But when set, should always be lower than the MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS limit set by Pillow. This is useful setting to prevent decompression bomb DOS attack. ``FILER_ADD_FILE_VALIDATORS`` ----------------------------- Dictionary that adds file upload validators for specific mime types. See :ref:`validation`. ``FILER_REMOVE_FILE_VALIDATORS`` -------------------------------- List of default file validators to be ignored. See :ref:`validation`.